
A Comprehensive Guide About Conjunctivitis

Experiencing conjunctivitis without knowing the proper name for it can prove to be a tedious reality. One needs to make certain that you are able to figure out what is wrong with your eye. It is imperative that one is able to get diagnosed as quickly as possible. This allows you to seek reliable and effective treatment possibilities. When one is dealing with conjunctivitis, you need to ensure that you have sought out help. If left unaddressed, this infection can thoroughly impact a person’s eye and vision on a long-term basis. With the help of experts at Dr Sonal’s Homeopathic Clinic, you can not only receive a diagnosis but also explore your treatment opportunities.  

What is Conjunctivitis?

Conjunctivitis is a medical condition that directly impacts the eye. It typically refers to the inflammation of the eye’s membrane in a severe manner. This issue is also referred to as pink eye. In this condition, the white part of your eye, the membrane, is inflamed. This then appears to be pink in nature. The conjunctivitis is often caused by a viral infection. There are several symptoms, causes and treatment options to address the concern of conjunctivitis available for the patients suffering. 

What are the Symptoms of Conjunctivitis? 

Conjunctivitis can thoroughly impact one’s day-to-day lifestyle. One needs to make certain that you are able to identify it in a timely manner and seek treatment for the same. Some of the common symptoms that can be used to identify conjunctivitis are as follows: 

  • Redness in either one of your eyes
  • Redness in both of your eyes 
  • Itchiness in either one of your eyes
  • Itchiness in both of your eyes 
  • Discharge from the infected eye
  • Excessive production of tears 
  • Feeling excessively sensitive to light

What are the Causes of Conjunctivitis?

There can be several causes behind the development of conjunctivitis. However, one of the easiest ways to categorise the problem is by considering infection and noninfectious possibilities. Therefore, some common causes of conjunctivitis are as follows:

Infectious Reasons 

Commonly attributed infectious reasons for developing conjunctivitis are mentioned below:

If you have infectious conjunctivitis, it can prove to be thoroughly contagious. One needs to make certain that you are able to thoroughly contain the infection so it does not spread within the family. 

Infectious conjunctivitis can be caused by any of the two following sources:

  • Viral conjunctivitis 
  • Bacterial conjunctivitis 

Noninfectious Reasons  

Commonly attributed noninfectious reasons for developing conjunctivitis are mentioned below:

This type of injection is not contagious. Therefore, one does not need to worry about spreading it to others. Some of the most common places to contract noninfectious conjunctivitis are: 

  • Allergens 
  • Irritants 
  • Direct injury to the eye that damages the membrane of the eye. 
  • Developing disorders of the immune system 
  • Having conjunctival tumours or cancers

Treatment Possibilities of Conjunctivitis

It can be an emotionally harrowing experience to develop and contract conjunctivitis. One needs to make certain that you are able to thoroughly treat it. Following are some of the treatment possibilities you can consider to improve your state of conjunctivitis:


Most people who develop conjunctivitis can thoroughly make certain to seek help from the experts of Dr Sonal’s clinic to ensure that they are able to find the right treatment possibilities. Most iterations of conjunctivitis can be thoroughly addressed with the help of medication, no matter what the cause seems to be. Both infectious and noninfectious conjunctivitis can be thoroughly treated using medication. 

However it is important to acknowledge that one needs to make certain that you are taking the right medication for the right diseases. Antibiotics will only treat bacterial infections. It will not address any viral concerns. 

One can also thoroughly seek the treatment from Dr Sonal’s Homeopathic clinic to address the issue of conjunctivitis and seek treatment for the same.

Non-Medicated Treatments

If you are looking for a way to find non-medicated treatment opportunities, you can find over-the-counter drops to make certain that you are able to thoroughly treat the symptoms of conjunctivitis. 

Preventive Methods for Conjunctivitis 

Once you develop conjunctivitis, you tend to think that you could not have prevented contracting the disease. However, there are several preventive measures you can adopt to make certain that you are able to thoroughly avoid developing another bout of conjunctivitis in the future. Some such methods are as follows: 

  • If you want to prevent the chance of developing conjunctivitis in your eye, one of the most important things is to ensure that you are able to sanitise your hands thoroughly.  
  • It is also advised that you can thoroughly keep your eyes protected.
  • One might also want to ensure that you do not share items that touch or stay close to eyes, 
  • such as sunglasses. 
  • If one is employing the use of an eye drop bottle, one might want to make certain that you have not accidentally contaminated the bottle or the solution itself. 

With this comprehensive guide, you can thoroughly figure out when or how to take care of your eyes. One needs to make certain that their symptoms match this list. You can also seek the best possible treatment with the help of experts available through Dr Sonal’s Homeopathy Clinic. Seek the best treatment options by considering an appointment with us!

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