Homeopathy Hemorrhoids or Piles Treatment in Mumbai, Maharashtra Piles also Known as Hemorrhoids. This medical condition leads to swollen veins in the anus and lower rectum region. The primary reason is the vein being under too much pressure. This condition can lead to bleeding & pain and the severity of the condition will be different for every person. Make sure that you schedule your initial consultation with our best homeopathy doctor in Mumbai Dr. Sonal Jain to get immediate relief from this condition.
Don’t Know What To Do? Consult The Best Homeopathy Doctor
You need to follow your treatment plan and the necessary prevention tips shared by the doctor when you visit the homeopath clinic. The cost of homeopathy treatment for piles will depend on the severity of your condition and the cost can be between Rs 500 to Rs 1000. Although, the exact cost of the medications and entire treatment can only be determined when you consult the homeopathy specialist in Mumbai.

What are the major symptoms of piles?
- Problem controlling the bowel movement
- Irritation or itching at the anal region
- Mucus in the rectum
- Lumps on the anus due to swelling & pain
In most cases, symptoms will not go away on their own. Undergoing the homeopathy treatment from Dr. Sonal Jain will help you recover easily.

What are the major causes of piles?
- Overweight
- Pregnancy
- Lack of exercise
- Your diet lacks fiber
- Diarrhea
- Constipation for a long time
- Lifting heavy objects
- Alcohol and smoking habits
What are the types of piles?
Piles are divided into 2 categories:
- Internal Hemorrhoids:
The lump or swelling will occur in the rectum area. In this condition, the person can feel they have not emptied their rectum after stool.
- External Hemorrhoids:
Piles is classified into 4 grades which are mentioned in the graphical representation. Depending on the grade your homeopathy treatment plan will begin.
How are piles classified?
Piles is classified into 4 grades which are mentioned in the graphical representation.
Depending on the grade your homeopathy treatment plan will begin.
How will a doctor diagnose piles?
If you complain about piles then the doctor is going to ask you the given questions:
- Symptoms you have
- How much bleeding do you have?
- Have you done anything to control symptoms?
- Are you experiencing any itching or bulging sensation?
What are the best remedies for piles treatment?
Bear in mind, before you take any remedy make sure to consult the doctor. Only under supervision do you need to start anything to prevent the problem. Some of the remedies are:
- Arsenic Album
- Sulfur
- Aloes
- Aesculus Hippocastanum
- Muriatic acid
Lifestyle changes for piles
- Follow healthy diet
- Increase water intake
- Exercise for at least 30 minutes
Schedule your initial consultation
Do not compromise on your health and if you have the pile’s symptoms then make sure to schedule your initial consultation with our Dr. Sonal Jain.